oneAPI DevSummit 2020

November 12, 2020

Join us for the inaugural oneAPI Developer Summit focused on oneAPI and Data Parallel C++ for accelerated computing across xPU architectures (CPU, GPU, FPGA, and other accelerators). In this two-day virtual conference, you will hear from industry and academia speakers working on innovative cross-platform architecture solutions developed on oneAPI. Learn from fellow developers and connect with other innovators. Please join us, a self-sustained, vibrant community to support each other using oneAPI and Data Parallel C++.

oneAPI Developer Summit 2020


Day 1 - November 12th, 2020
Day 2 – November 13, 2020

Day 1 - November 12th, 2020

08:00 AM – 8:10 AM PDT Introduction



08:10 AM – 08:40 AM PDT Keynote

oneAPI Vision for Heterogenous Compute

The need to analyze increasingly complex datasets is driving demand for dedicated workload accelerator chips to beinstalled in data center servers to complement the main server processor. Intel’s solution is oneAPI, a project to deliver a unified software development environment across CPU and accelerator architectures. oneAPI is an Industry Initiative – based on standards, open specification and includes a unified language & libraries that deliver…

08:40 AM -09:20 AM PDT Tech Talk 1

Building an Open AI & HPC Ecosystem

In the world of AI & HPC programming, to get high performance, developers need accelerators that have high levels of parallelism, but often these uses closed and proprietary programming models. Developers are demanding open and standards-based solutions that deliver both performance and portability. An open and unified programming model gives developers a way to cost-effectively take advantage of the growing diversity of processor platforms and…

09:20 AM -10:00 AM PDT Tech Talk 2

Unifying and Accelerating Reverse Time Migration Programming with oneAPI

As a leading company in the seismic imaging domain, we require our software products to be as highly performant, efficient and sustainable as possible. The state-of-the-art hardware architecture is constantly changing which can be very challenging for software engineers to adapt to these changes, which requires either writing several variants of the software or shifting from one accelerator to another depending on the current norm.…

10:00 AM -10:10 AM PDT Break

10:10 AM -10:50 AM PDT Tech Talk 3

Boosting Productivity of Decision-making with oneAPI-based Heterogeneous Schedulers on SoCs

Our goal is to make it easy and feasible to implement solutions for autonomous decision-making and planning under uncertainty on low-power mobile platforms. We focus on practical applications, such as autonomous driving and service robotics, that must run on SoC mobile platforms. These applications often have real-time execution constraints. The main challenge is to keep the runtime and energy performance in check while making it…

10:50 AM -11:50 AM PDT Lightning Talk

ATLAS Charged Particle Seed Finding with DPC++

The ATLAS Experiment is one of the general-purpose particle physics experiments built at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, in Geneva, Switzerland. Its goal is to study the behavior of elementary particles at the highest energies ever produced in a laboratory, helping us better understand our universe. The LHC, in what is called the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC), is going to increase the intensity of…

10:50 AM -11:50 AM PDT Lightning Talk

Making Banking Secure via Bio Metrics Application Built Using oneAPI with oneAPI Video Processing Library

In this talk we will look at oneVPL and how it is used in Certiface technology designed to combat fraud and protect honest people through the ability to differentiate between a live person and a recorded video. Certiface is based to harness heterogeneous computing architecture including CPUs and GPUs from servers to notebooks. The software tools such as oneVPL, computer vision techniques with OpenCV, OpenVINO…

10:50 AM -11:50 AM PDT Lightning Talk

Gaining Support for Multiple Device by Migrating a CUDA Code to oneAPI -- Experiences with the Intel® DPC++ Compatibility Tool

Data Parallel C++ (DPC++), the C++- and SYCL-based programming language of choice in the oneAPI programming environment, promises to have a single source code that addresses multiple hardware architectures. However, starting from scratch or rewriting existing application is tedious if not out of question in most cases. The Intel® oneAPI Compatibility Tool addresses this issue by assisting in the migration from CUDA to DPC++. In…

10:50 AM -11:50 AM PDT Lightning Talk

Performance Portability with oneAPI: the CMS Physics Reconstruction Software

To fully exploit the physics reach of the High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider, the LHC experiments are planning substantial upgrades of their detector technologies and increases of their data acquisition rates. The higher proton-proton interaction rate, pileup and event processing rate present an unprecedented challenge to the real-time and offline event reconstruction, requiring a processing power which is orders of magnitude larger than today, and exceeds…

11:50 AM -12:10 PM PDT Lunch and Fun Activities

12:10 PM – 12:50 PM PDT Tech Talk 4

Optimizing Computer Aided COVID-19 Drug Design Tools with oneAPI

Computer-aided drug design uses chemistry simulations and calculations to accelerate the discovery of drug candidate molecules. Computational resources and time are cheap relative to the painstaking research in experimental laboratories. Recent advances in computing technologies and computational chemistry have greatly improved the accuracy and scope of computer-aided drug design, furthering the scientific appetite for computational power. Many scientific computing software tools are based on hand-crafted…

12:50 PM – 01:30 PM PDT Tech Talk 5

Adopting oneAPI Into the NAMD Molecular Dynamics Application

Molecular dynamics (MD) is an important computational methodology that can provide insight into the structure and function of sub-cellular assemblies of biomolecules at atomic level detail, accessing spatial and temporal resolutions that are not available to purely experimental approaches. As computational power has increased over the past several years, MD techniques have become an invaluable tool for tackling biomedically relevant challenges, such as improving our…

01:30 PM – 01:40 PM PDT Break

01:40 PM – 02:40 PM PDT Panel

oneAPI spec & Industry Panel


08:00 AM – 8:10 AM PDT Closing



02:50 PM – 03:50 PM PDT Happy Hour

Virtual Happy Hour and Networking

Day 2 – November 13, 2020

08:00 AM – 8:10 AM PDT Introduction



08:10 AM – 08:40 AM PDT Keynote


GROMACS is a state-of-the-art computational tool to understand the molecular mechanisms of the protein molecules in our cells. Eric’s lab leads the development of the GROMACS molecular dynamics toolkit, which is one of the world’s most widely used HPC applications, and which has been tuned to achieve outstanding performance and scaling on everything from laptops to supercomputers and even the Playstation as part of Folding@Home.…

08:40 AM -09:20 AM PDT Tech Talk 1

DPC++ and C/C++/Fortran OpenMP Compilers for CPUs and Xe Accelerators

In the high-performance computing realm, the emerging DPC++/SYCL programming model is getting attention while OpenMP* continues to be the popular parallel programming model to a wide range of HPC/AI accelerators such as Xe GPUs and FPGAs. This presentation includes: A brief overview of the DPC++ and OpenMP offloading Models An overview of Intel’s LLVM compiler technology for DPC++ and OpenMP offloading A deep dive on…

09:20 AM -10:00 AM PDT Tech Talk 2

Ginkgo - an Open Source Math Library for the DPC++ Ecosystem

In this talk, we will present the Ginkgo open source math library and its capabilities on Intel® GPU architectures. We will start with reporting our experiences in porting an NVIDIA-focused software stack to Intel’s DPC++ environment and the obstacles we encountered when using automated code conversion. We will then present the functionality Ginkgo currently provides for Intel GPUs, and present initial performance results.

09:20 AM -10:00 AM PDT Tech Talk 2

Integrating and Benefits of oneAPI Rendering Toolkit in NCAR VAPOR Climate Visualization App

VAPOR is the Visualization and Analysis Platform for Ocean, Atmosphere, and Solar Researchers. VAPOR provides an interactive 3D visualization environment that can also produce animations and still frame images. This talk will discuss the recent successful integration of Intel® oneAPI Rendering Toolkit and the benefits in performance, scalability, and high-fidelity Ray Tracing Visualization it provides.

10:00 AM -10:10 AM PDT Break

10:10 AM -10:50 AM PDT Tech Talk 3

Rooflining Bioinformatics: Boosting Epistasis Detection with Cache-aware Roofline Model

In the first part of this talk, we will introduce the Cache-aware Roofline Model (CARM) and expose its basic principles when modelling the performance upper-bounds of a processor. We will also discuss our recent research contributions in extending the model insightfulness with application-driven CARM, as well as applying the CARM principles to model power consumption and energy-efficiency upper-bounds. In the second part of this talk,…

10:50 AM -11:50 AM PDT Lightning Talk

OneOligo: Using oneAPI to Accelerate DNA Data Storage

In the European Commission-funded Future and Emerging Technologies initiative OligoArchive, we are working on transforming DNA–the biological building block of life–into a digital building block for long-term data archival. One of the key steps in retrieving digital data stored in DNA involves clustering billions of strings with respect to edit distance. The computationally intensive nature of edit distance computation has made this step a critical…

10:50 AM -11:50 AM PDT Lightning Talk

HPC Visual Computing and Analysis SW Development at ExaScale

Dr. Navratil will discuss the “state of the art” and near-term trends driving HPC application development efforts in preparation for the massive scale of data and computation in the ExaScale era. He will touch up the ongoing efforts of the SOLAR Ray Tracing Consortium’s efforts to utilize Ray Tracing for Compute and the role of the emerging ANARI Kronos API, the necessary merging of Compute…

11:50 AM -12:10 PM PDT Lunch and Fun Activities

12:10 PM – 12:50 PM PDT Tech Talk 4

Extending Rice University’s HPCToolkit to Measure and Analyze the Performance of Applications Accelerated with Intel GPUs

HPC Kit is an integrated suite of tools for measurement and analysis of program performance on computers ranging from multicore desktop systems to the nation’s largest supercomputers. By using statistical sampling of timers and hardware performance counters, HPC Kit collects accurate measurements of a program’s work, resource consumption, and inefficiency and attributes them to the full calling context in which they occur. HPC Kit supports…

12:50 PM – 01:30 PM PDT Tech Talk 5

Accelerating Oil and Gas Applications with SYCL for FPGAs

FPGAs have enormous potential to parallel many workloads, offering superior performance than other architectures for a fraction of the energy cost. However, designing custom architectures requires specific knowledge and is time consuming. Seismic applications for prospecting for oil and gas, which work based on the time it takes reflected sound waves to travel through materials of varying densities, are known for their complexity and high…

01:30 PM – 01:40 PM PDT Break

01:40 PM – 02:40 PM PDT Panel

oneAPI Tools Panel


08:00 AM – 8:10 AM PDT Closing



02:50 PM – 03:50 PM PDT Happy Hour

Virtual Happy Hour and Networking


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