Integrating Arhat deep learning framework with Intel® oneDNN library and OpenVINO™ toolkit

Integrating Arhat deep learning framework with Intel® oneDNN library and OpenVINO™ toolkit

Arhat is a specialized deep learning framework that converts neural network descriptions into lean standalone executable code which can be directly deployed on various platforms. Arhat backend for Intel generates C++ code that directly calls oneDNN API functions and can run on any modern Intel CPU or GPU. Arhat includes the OpenVINO interoperability layer that consumes models produced by the OpenVINO Model Optimizer. We have used Arhat for a series of experiments aimed at benchmarking Tiger Lake i7-1185G7E against NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX with various object detection neural networks. The benchmarking results demonstrate that Tiger Lake is a powerful competitor in the embedded application domain.

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Alexey Gokhberg

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