Great Cross-Architecture Challenge Application Showcase Pt. 1

Great Cross-Architecture Challenge Application Showcase Pt. 1

The Great Cross-Architecture Challenge was a 14-week contest intended for both professional and student software developers interested in developing cross-architecture applications using oneAPI. Participants were challenged to be the next “oneAPI hero” by either porting an existing C/C++ or CUDA application using the Intel(r) DPC++ Compatibility Tool or creating an entirely new oneAPI application. As part of the contest, developers received free access to the Intel oneAPI Toolkits on Intel Devcloud across an array of Intel CPU, GPU and FPGA architectures, along with resources such as code sample, dev guides, webinars, and a developer collaboration portal (Intel DevMesh).

Download Ricardo Nobre – Great Cross Architecture Challenge Presentation

Download Rafael Campos – Great Cross Architecture Chellenge Presentation

Ricardo Nobre
Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores R&D (INESC-ID), Lisbon, Portugal
Rafael Campos
Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores R&D (INESC-ID)

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