oneAPI DevSummit for AI, South Korea 2022

October 26, 2022 | 2:00 - 5:00 pm KST

The oneAPI DevSummit for AI is coming.

Join us for the oneAPI Developer Summit, focused on AI, oneAPI and SYCL for accelerated computing across xPU architectures. In this virtual conference, you will learn from leading industry and academia speakers innovating new oneAPI solutions for cross-platform, multi-vendor architecture.


Why attend?

  • Hear about advancements in high-performance computing and AI
  • Get opportunities to attend keynotes, customer voice, and lightning talks hosted by experts from Samsung Healthcare, Moasys, Quanta Cloud Technology, Codeplay Software, JLK, Deeping Source, KMCP and DEEPNOID, as well as hands-on tutorials from Intel (blue)
  • Attend a workshop on the oneAPI AI Analytics Toolkit, oneAPI and SYCL
  • Learn how to migrate CUDA to SYCL using SYCLomatic and how to execute a program written in SYCL on NVIDIA


October 26th

October 26th

2:00 - 2:05 KST

Opening Note & Welcome

Welcoming message with Intel’s investment for oneAPI and Intel AI technologies and overall introduction of the event.

2:05 - 2:10 KST Keynote

The Evolving Ecosystem for Open Accelerated Computing

Intel is putting software first and software developers are the heart of its transformation across the global software ecosystem. From high-performance, data-driven, connected workloads have driven diverse accelerated infrastructures, developers and users demand greater ease of deployment and choice in their solutions. This talk will frame opportunities and progress fowards fulfilling user needs with an open, accelerated computing ecosystem.

2:10 - 2:20 KST Lightning Talk

Towards performance portability of DNN Models using SYCL

The wide adoption of Deep Neural Networks (DNN) has served as an incentive to design and manufacture powerful and specialized hardware technologies, targeting systems from Edge devices to Cloud and supercomputers. From the software point of view, there are several AI frameworks (such as TensorFlow, Pytorch, ONNXRuntime, MXNet, etc) and libraries provided to efficiently match the close to metal performance of such devices. From the…

2:20 - 2:35 KST Customer Voice

QCT oneAPI DevCloud

The need for a standard and unified language that can run across various heterogeneous compute platforms is growing with the booming of XPU devices. Intel oneAPI toolkits offers a common language based on SYCL and a set of library APIs, allowing the same code to run on various XPUs. To enable our partners and customers with the latest Intel hardware platform and cutting-edge development tools,…

2:35 - 2:50 KST Customer Voice

oneAPI for FPGA

Whole genome sequencing is key in the field of genomics, but since it takes a long time to execute calculations, parallelization and offloading using GPU are applied to accelerate it. The most widely used Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK) is written in Java, so it is impossible to directly apply oneAPI to port it to FPGA, but the previous step, aligning/mapping, is written in C/C++, BWA-MEM…

2:50 - 3:00 KST Customer Voice

Samsung Healthcare and Intel’s Collaboration on Healthcare Ecosystem

How Samsung Healthcare and Intel collaborated on the projects a. SWBF In order to have flexibilities on choosing architectures and reducing the HW cost, we migrated existing CUDA to SYCL using DPC++ Compatibility Tool. We became to utilize Intel GPUs and CPU altogether. b. Shearwave To optimize our Shearwave feature, we used Intel VTune Profiler. It helped analyze and optimize hotspots and bottlenecks. We have…

3:00 - 3:10 KST Break

3:10 - 3:25 KST Kahoot Game

Quiz on oneAPI, SYCL, FPGA & AI

At an online event that can be boring, quizzes are used to arouse interest while learning oneAPI-related content, and 10 questions are given and prizes are awarded to the top 10 people.

3:25 - 4:40 KST Workshop- Intel® oneAPI , SYCL

Intel Strategy for Heterogeneous Programming with oneAPI

Intel believes that innovation thrives in an open ecosystem, enables choice, and is equally accessible to all. The oneAPI project and its components reflect this commitment to active ecosystem and featuring an open specification. In this belief, we advance its support for numerous diverse computing architectures. We introduce SYCLomatic and SYCL to support this large ecosystem. SYCLomatic assists developers in migrating their existing code written…

4:40 - 5:00 KST

Q&A, Summary & Close

Join us at this session to know the key takeaways from the conference, we shall summarize the event and announce the winners for the Collaboration Hero Contest, Kahoot Game and Survey winners!!

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