oneAPI DevSummit at IWOCL 2022

May 9, 2022 | 9:00 AM – 1:45 PM CT

Join us for this year’s oneAPI Developer Summit at IWOCL focused on oneAPI and SYCL for accelerated computing across xPU architectures (CPU, GPU, FPGA, and other accelerators). In this two-day virtual conference, you will hear from industry and academia speakers working on innovative cross-platform, multi-vendor architecture solutions developed on oneAPI. Learn from fellow developers and connect with other innovators. Please join us, a self-sustained, vibrant community to support each other using oneAPI, SYCL and Data Parallel C++.


Day 1
Day 2

Day 1

9:00 - 9:15 CT


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9:15 - 9:45 CT

Parallel Programming Models and SYCL in the UK’s Exascale Programs

The UK is investing heavily in getting its science codes ready for the Exascale era. The ExCALIBUR project is a 5-year, £45M program focused on codes and algorithms, getting them ready for Exascale architectures. A key issue for ExCALIBUR is what parallel programming models to adopt, and so in this talk, we will examine these drivers, and explore how parallel C++ models such as SYCL…

9:45 - 10:15 CT

Learning SYCL: Challenges and Opportunities

The EuroHPC Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC-JU) aims at developing exascale computing capabilities within the EU and promoting their use, both in academia and in industry. In order to harness such resources efficiently, a network of national competence centers is established to foster awareness for HPC and develop advanced HPC competence. Given that increasing portions of computational power are delivered through accelerators, it is critical to develop…

10:15 - 10:30 CT Break

10:30 - 10:45 CT

TAU Performance System for SYCL and E4S

The TAU Performance System® is a versatile profiling and tracing toolkit included in the Extreme-Scale Scientific Software Stack(E4S). TAU supports performance evaluation of HPC and AI/ML applications built running on Intel CPUs and GPUs using Intel oneAPI. TAU supports performance instrumentation of un-modified binaries as well as compiler-based instrumentation. E4S provides a curated, Spack package manager based distribution of open-source libraries, tools (including TAU), and…

11:00 - 11:30 CT

Challenges Faced When Porting Ginkgo to the SYCL Ecosystem

We present our experience of a platform-portable sparse linear algebra ibrary – Gingko. Previously, we already ported essential parts of our library like SpMV or Krylov solvers to oneAPI based on sycl-1.2.1. We present challenges and our solutions when porting functionality and in stayin up to date due to the changed SYCL 2020, issues with per-kernel code splitting, and supporting varying hardware. We generate kernels…

11:30 - 11:45 CT Break

11:45 - 12:30 CT

Developing for the Next Generation of RISC-V Processors with SYCL

The growth in adoption of RISC-V by an increasing number of companies is coinciding with a demand from software developers for processors that can help them deploy cutting edge AI and HPC applications. How do we enable software developers to take advantage of the latest RISC-V processors, in particular those designed with AI processing in mind? One crucial piece is a programming model that can…

12:30 - 12:45 CT



12:45 - 1:45 CT

Happy Hour

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Day 2

9:00 - 9:15 CT



9:45 - 10:45 CT

oneAPI SYCL Essentials

Download Presentation Deck Agenda • Overview of oneAPI • Introduction to the Intel® DevCloud • Introduction to Jupyter notebooks used for training • Overview of DPC++ Hands on • Introduction to DPC++ • Vector-add coding exercise • Intel® VTune™ Profiler and Intel® Advisor exercise The participant will come away with an understanding of: • How oneAPI can solve the challenges of programming in a heterogeneous…

10:45 - 11:00 CT


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