Learning SYCL: Challenges and Opportunities

The EuroHPC Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC-JU) aims at developing exascale computing capabilities within the EU and promoting their use, both in academia and in industry. In order to harness such resources efficiently, a network of national competence centers is established to foster awareness for HPC and develop advanced HPC competence. Given that increasing portions of computational power are delivered through accelerators, it is critical to develop and spread knowledge of performant and performance-portable ways of building next-generation HPC applications. As the EuroCC node for Sweden, we are pioneering learning resources for SYCL. This contribution will showcase our pedagogical approach: how it is well-suited for remote teaching and self-learning. I will discuss and motivate the structure of our SYCL lesson, how it is delivered in practice, and how it can be freely reused.


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