Spatial Single Cell Analysis Using oneAPI AI Analytics Toolkit

The topic focuses on implementation of oneAPI AI toolkit in Medical Imaging. We will be exploring single cell data (eg:- RNA sequence) through imaging and gene expression profiling.

We will be porting Squidpy to oneAPI AI toolkit.Squidpy produces highly interactive visualizations that enable intuitive exploration of Single Cell spatialmolecular data and has several optional uses (e.g. analyzing neighborhood graphs, and compute spatial statistics ) to facilitate the exploration of tissue images.

From huge datasets, we create spatial graphs and do image analysis. We extract the image and summary features. From the image features, we generate cluster annotation that helps us study spots. We compute neighborhood enrichment that can help us identify spots (nodes) clusters that share a common neighborhood structure across the tissue and uncover molecular mechanisms associated to cell differentiation and disease progression.


  • Finding abnormalities in Gene expression
  • Disease Progression

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