Shaping the Future of AI with PyTorch

Last September, PyTorch became a part of the Linux Foundation, officially forming the PyTorch Foundation. The foundation’s primary objective is to assist end users in navigating the PyTorch ecosystem, attracting talent, facilitating the adoption of PyTorch, and providing successful support for open-source AI technologies.  Over the first half of 2023, the PyTorch community has experienced remarkable growth.  Notably, the number of commits across all repositories has increased by 36%, unique contributors have grown by over 2,000, and new community contributions have risen by 18%.  The PyTorch Foundation has collaborated with the community and its members to introduce several notable improvements, such as PyTorch 2.0, the inaugural PyTorch Docathon, the 2023 PyTorch Conference, and more.  Join us in hearing from Dr. Ibrahim Haddad, the Foundation’s Executive Director, as he discusses PyTorch’s recent endeavors and the future direction of the project and foundation.

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