RISC-V Vectors and oneAPI: Accelerating the Future of Heterogeneous Compute

The partnership of oneAPI and RISC-V advances innovation from open source software down into hardware. Open standards enable us to build heterogeneous compute products where engineers can choose the right tools for the job. The RISC-V community has been working with the oneAPI community to help build an open AI ecosystem. This spans the development stack from tools to compilers, and down to the hardware designs that accelerate workloads. The key to advancing our technology stacks lies in the power of communities and the collaboration they enable. This talk will give an overview of the areas where oneAPI and RISC-V are working together to create an open solution to today’s most difficult AI problems. From HPC to automotive, we’ll explore the wide range of possibilities when we combine the power of open source software with the flexibility of open standards.

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