Edge Intelligence and Its application in CAVs

The proliferation of Internet of Things and the success of rich cloud services have pushed the horizon of a new computing paradigm, Edge Computing, which calls for processing the data at the edge of the network. Edge computing has the potential to address the concerns of response time requirement, battery life constraint, bandwidth cost saving, as well as data safety and privacy. In this talk, Prof. Weisong Shi will discuss the start-of-the-art of Edge Computing, followed by the emergence of edge intelligence (EI), and how EI applies to CAVs.
In the meanwhile, real-world applications usually call for the collaboration of multiple DNN models on heterogeneous edge platforms to complete complicated tasks with outstanding performance. However, due to the explosive growth in computational requirements, model size, number of involved models, and participated devices, a fundamental question lying in most of the practical applications needs to be solved urgently, i.e., how to concurrently and efficiently deploy and execute these collaborative models on heterogeneous edge devices with different deployment constraints? In this talk, Yongtao Yao will also introduce their solutions to schedule multiple collaborative DNNs on a group of heterogeneous edge devices with the goal of reducing overall latency.


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